Thursday 19 May 2011

tourism in Botswana, Africa

1. Wildlife  in  Botswana
The wildlife of Botswana refers to the flora and fauna of Botswana. Botswana is around 90% covered in savanna, varying from shrub savanna in the southwest in the dry areas to tree savanna consisting of trees and grass in the wetter areas. Even under the hot conditions of the Kalahari Desert, many different species survive; in fact the country has more than 2500 species of plants and 650 species of trees. Vegetation and its wild fruits are also extremely important to rural populations living in the desert and are the principal source of food, fuel and medicine for many inhabitants.
Three national parks and seven game reserves that are wildlife shelters occupy 17% of the land area of Botswana. The three national parks are the Chobe National Park, the Nxai Pan and Makgadikgadi National Park and the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. The seven game reserves are the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, Gaborone Game Reserve, Khutse Game Reserve,Mannyelanong Game Reserve, Maun Game Reserve and Moremi Game Reserve. In addition, a number of small privately owned reserves are maintained
                                                                            Location  of  Botswana

                                                                  Chobe  National Park

The Chobe National Park, with its four ecosystems, is known for its largest wildlife concentration in Africa. Animals  found  include rhinos,  elephants, Some of the other faunal species seen here are sable, wildebeest, kudu, buffalo and waterbuck, apart from lion, hyena, jackal, bat-eared fox, cheetah and wild dogs
                                                                        African  buffalo
springbok  antelope

Botswana is a natural game reserve for most animals found in southern Africa, including lions, leopards, cheetahs, elephants, giraffes, zebras, hippopotamuses, rhinoceroses, African buffalo, hyenas and  antelopes.


Hyenas  are  also  found  is  some  parks  and   game  reserves



Mashatu Game Reserve

The Mashatu Game Reserve is a private reserve covering an area of 46,000 hectares (110,000 acres) made up of savannah plains, riverine forests, open marshland and rugged outcrops of sandstone. It is the largest private reserve in Southern Africa. Its name is derived from “mashatu” or nyala trees (round-topped leafy giant trees which are seen in abundance in the large open wilderness). It has the largest elephant population in the world. In addition, more than 350 species of birds have been reported here. Other fuanal of Botswana are also commonly found here.

Birdlife in the park is wide and of varied species; water birds to shy forest dwellers are commonly seen.

                                                                Cape  vulture  in a  zoo
                                    yellow  billed  hornbill in  moremi  game reserve
Red  footed  falcons   found  along  the  lenyanti  swamp,  Chobe  National  Park

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